Branding Overview

Your brand is much more than just a name and a logo. When it comes to your business, your brand is EVERYTHING. It is crucial to the success of your business that you have your branding on point. You must achieve consistency, creativity, differentiation, memorability and more when building branding. Listed below are the key brand elements our branding specialists will help you create.

Brand Elements include:

  • Identity 
    • The way people recognize your brand – can include your logo, name, colours, tagline, etc.
  • Image
    • How people perceive your brand –  beliefs, ideas and impressions a person holds regarding your brand
  • Positioning
    • Where your business is positioned in the market – defines what segment of the market you are targeting
  • Personality
    • Emotional or personal qualities associated with your brand
      • Examples include female attraction with Axe body spray or toughness with Dodge pick up trucks
  • Equity
    • How the public values the brand – Things like financial value and market share contribute to Brand Equity
  • Experience
    • Conditions or elements that influence a persons feelings about your company or products
  • Differentiation
    • How your brand differs from competitors – how do you set yourself apart?
  • Communication
    • The general message you are delivering through all brand materials – are you communicating your core values?

For a more detailed look into these brand elements, read our blog post “8 Brand Elements You Need to Consider”

Branding Example

Branding Services

Our team is dedicated to helping you build the strong brand you’re striving to achieve. Allow our branding expert Jasmine Irven create a beautiful branding package that will embody your business as a whole. Jasmine has an incredible talent for learning about your business and creating branding materials that fully capture the essence of it. Our branding packages are priced well below industry standard in order to allow small business owners to grow their business without breaking the bank.

Each Branding Package (if applicable) includes:

  • Communication materials – brand story, core values, mission statement and more
  • Design Elements – colour scheme, logo design, fonts and more
  • Marketing Materials – Business card design and more
  • Brand Guidelines – essential for maintaining brand consistency

Our branding packages are all customizable and allow for a limited number of revisions. We will work with you to understand your business and create a branding package that captures everything you’re looking for.

Contact Us

Interested in our Branding Services? Send us a message or call 647-334-2557 to receive a free quote today!